The introvert advantage


“Introverts don’t feel they know enough about a subject until they know almost everything.”

This hit me between the eyes. 

Marti Olsen Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage, goes on to explain that introverts:

  • Can imagine the vastness of any subject;
  • Have experienced brain-lock, so over prepare to avoid going blank, and
  • Don’t talk about what they are thinking, so don’t receive feedback and perspective on how much they already know. 

If you want to know why I study and apply behavioural science, this explains it.

I go blank when asked questions like “what did you do today?”, or “tell us about yourself”. I even go blank when I enter a supermarket, forgetting what I’m there for.

So when it comes to engaging with people, it’s little wonder I developed a framework for understanding what’s going on. A way for me to more confidently and successfully influence myself and those around me.

While I’m not saying you need to be an introvert to gain value from my work, I am saying it resonates very strongly with people who are.

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