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Talking behavioural science with my intern, Bora Ergor


It was an absolute delight to have Bora Ergor interning with me this year.

Bora is a very talented psychology student at the University of Strasbourg and together we worked across a range of assignments.

In this video Bora talks us through what his research unearthed as well as tips for people seeking to intern.

We cover what behavioural science says about:

  • How to optimise your online presenting presence and overcome Zoom fatigue
  • Framing  and use of language i.e. knowing...
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Which digit do you want people to focus on?

Ending your price with “9” is a tidbit of pricing psychology that has entrenched itself in business folklore. 

Why? Because $1999 seems better than $2000, and $12.99 better than $13.

But why does it seem better?

It may have a lot to do with the direction the digit is pointing. You see, 9 points to the left, as does 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.

5 and 6 are right-facing whereas 0 and 8 are centered.

This digit-directionality (Coulter, 2007) is yet another consideration when it...

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Talking Talks: Speaker evolution with Sam Tatam


What can an expert in evolutionary psychology tell us about presenting? Lots!

In this episode of Talking Talks Bri speaks with psychologist and head of Behavioural Science at Ogilvy, Sam Tatam.

We talk about why everything is selling, why gaps are essential in your presentation (leave space in the mousetrap), why you should watch yourself on mute, maximising the pixels in a virtual presentation and similarities and differences between client work and keynotes. Oh, and why Sam wants...

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A sneak peek at how to influence individuals


I am thrilled to announce there's a new BONUS module hidden like an Easter Egg in the Influencing Action online course.

Module 6 "Influencing Individuals".

I added this special module because one of the trickiest parts of being human is influencing other humans.

Particularly those who see the world differently to you.

So here's a sneak peek.

If you'd like to find out more about how to influence action, this is here I keep the good stuff: ...

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Talking Talks: How to make your audience feel, with George Elerick


When presenting, how can you make your audience feel?

In this episode of Talking Talks Bri speaks with stand-up comedian and behavioural scientist George Elerick.

We talk about how human universals can connect us with an audience, why it's good to start with the end in mind, George being an empathetic extrovert and huge fan of provocation, word choice and how to use behavioural science in presentations.

We struggled with a wobbly internet connection between LA and Melbourne for this one, so...

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Talking Talks: Cutting to the why?, with Dr. Sarah Glova


In this episode of Talking Talks Bri speaks with Dr. Sarah Glova.

We talk about the importance of a learning objective, how empathy underpins presentation design and delivery, co-facilitation in a virtual talk, use of silence and Sarah's unusual personality profile. Let's see if we can get #frogtalk trending!


- View Sarah in action:

- Music by

About Sarah:

Dr. Sarah Glova is the CEO of the...

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How to communicate with idiots

I’ve been going deep on language lately 

Knowing what to say and how to say it.

Partly because I’ve created a “scripting tool” for my Just Do This members, where I’ve written sample scripts for everything from getting past the gatekeeper and dealing with time wasters, to fielding complaints and chasing late payers. 

Partly because I’ve been creating my “Dealing with D!ckheads” webinar (recording exclusively available to...

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Talking Talks: The power of pictures, with Lynne Cazaly


In this episode of Talking Talks Bri speaks with Lynne Cazaly.

We talk about the power of paper and technology to capture and refine ideas, the importance of allowing ideas to percolate, productivity tips like time boxing and voice-to-text, holding engagement by varying your pace and even Lynne's stationery habit!


- Visit Lynne's website:

- Lynne's YouTube channel:

- Music by ...

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Fraud and failure. It's been a rough couple of weeks.

The field of behavioural economics has been knocked around a couple of times over the past week or so..

Perhaps most significantly, news broke of a research study on fraud being found to have used fraudulent data. Yes, painfully ironic.

The 2012 study by Shu, Mazar, Gino, Ariely and Bazerman found getting people to sign their name at the top of a form rather than the end increased the likelihood they’d complete the form honestly.

Such an interesting finding doesn’t stay quiet for...

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Talking Talks: How to be heard, with Dr Louise Mahler


In this episode of Talking Talks Bri speaks with Dr. Louise Mahler.

We talk about why leaders are disinterested in circus performers, the perils of being your "authentic self", the need to focus on your identity as a speaker, how to use humour strategically, not changing your topics and her Koosh ball approach.


- View Louise in action:

- Louise's YouTube channel:

- Music by ...

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